Creative Side Hustles for Teachers
Side Hustles for Teachers
[00:00:00] In today's episode, I'm going to talk about side hustles for teachers. This is all coming up next, right here on the teacher burnout podcast. So stay tuned.
Welcome to the Teacher Burnout Podcast, where we explore the challenges of burnout for teachers and share practical strategies to support teacher well being. I'm your host Barb Flowers. If you're a teacher looking for ways to prevent burnout or an educational leader searching for strategies to support your team, this podcast is for you.
Let's dive in.
Welcome back to the podcast today. I want to talk about creative side hustles for teachers. And I know that there are many teachers who want to have a side hustle. A lot of teachers that I talked to, like having a side hustle or a part-time job, just because of the hours of teaching, we know that there's plenty to do after work. but when I was a new teacher and I was single and I didn't have kids, I always wanted to have some sort of part-time job or a side hustle. Just because I didn't [00:01:00] have that much going on in my life at that time. So it really depends on what phase of your life you are in, or if you just want to make some extra money. But it can be really hard to find the right side hustle that you enjoy, and if this is a side hustle that you're going to be doing all year long, you want to make sure that you find a side hustle. That feels enjoyable because if it's enjoyable, then you really won't feel like you're working after work.
And that's been my experience. I've found some really good side hustles. So I'm going to talk about that a little bit today and my experiences, and I'm going to give you some ideas. So we're just going to dive right into some of those ideas. Four things you can do as side hustles. So the first one is network marketing.
So if you don't know what network marketing is, this is companies like Mary Kay. Body pampered chef. I know there's a lot of other companies. I am actually a body partner, so I currently do network marketing. And this is just a great way to to make extra money. If there's something that you're passionate about.
So InBody, I'm really [00:02:00] passionate about exercise and nutrition and they even now have a mindset component that I love. And I get to exercise and workout and have people join me in building and committing to a healthier lifestyle. And get paid doing that. So that's a great way to make extra money. I'm part of a team.
It's a great community. So being a body partner is a great way to make extra money. Now, if you're into makeup or cooking, Mary Kay or pampered, chef might be a better route for you. But, you know, for me personally, I love focusing on exercise and nutrition, and I love sharing that on my social media and bringing people into my nutrition groups that I host once a month.
So. That is something that I love. If you are interested in being a body partner, you can reach out to me at Barbette Bart flowers, But, like I said, there's so many different network marketing companies that people can do, and it's just a great way to make some extra cash and get the things you love at a discount.
And also, like I said, make money and have that team support. [00:03:00] So that's a great way. Also teachers pay teachers. That's such a common one. And I know a lot of teachers know about teachers pay teachers. And there are a lot of sellers compared to when I first started years ago, but that was actually one of my first side.
Hustles was teachers pay teachers and. That is something that truly never felt like work for me. I love doing it. I love creating stuff. It really brought out the creative side in me. And I've learned so much about technology so much about having a business. In doing teachers pay teachers, the platform is super easy to use, and there's so many YouTube tutorials on how to get started with teachers pay teachers.
So if that's something you're interested in, It is a little bit different now that you really have your store be a certain niche. So you might want to do holiday themed activities. If you're really good with crafts, you could have crafts for teachers, clip art.
If you're good with making clip art, lesson plans, whatever you want that to be, you just have to make sure that you [00:04:00] niche down and know exactly what you're doing. Because when I started, I did all elementary and now you don't really do that anymore. more, you pick an area that you want to focus on and kind of be that expert in that specific area. But that's a great way. To make extra money
there are a lot of things that you have to learn or along the way with teachers pay teachers.
But it's just a great one. If you do want to make extra money, it can be. Like you have to learn about keyword searching and product optimization and all these different things. But if you just get started, you can learn a little bit at a time and it is a way that you can make some extra money.
So being an affiliate is a great way on social media now to make extra money. If you enjoy posting on social media, And building a following, you can become an affiliate and make some great money. Many companies offer affiliate programs. That allow you to earn money by promoting their products that you use and love.
I follow a ton of people who are affiliates for Amazon. I love [00:05:00] following people with clothing and. Seeing what clothes they're wearing and showing off, and then purchasing those clothes. But you can do it with, house supplies or whatever. You can have your whole, your own Amazon store. So there's so many things that you can do with affiliate programs.
If you just Google and start researching how to become an affiliate. My membership program, the resilient educator academy offers an affiliate program. So if you're interested in that, you can reach out to me at Barbette Bart flowers,, but basically you can earn. 50% of the first month commission that , people use your affiliate code and then 25% of the monthly commission after that.
So it's a great way to just. Get people to join and you don't have to really do much and you get paid..
Another way to make extra money is through tutoring. So you can offer your expertise in a certain area.
I know right now, reading tutoring is huge. Especially if you have any experience with dyslexia. In Ohio, a lot of teachers are doing the dyslexia modules. So if you have [00:06:00] that, that could be a great thing. To your resume, , just being able to tutor students, whether it's online or in person, I had a friend tutor students in writing. So whatever you think you could be really good at tutoring students in, and maybe it's college students, if you're good in a certain subject area, maybe you tutor college students online.
So this is just. A flexible way that you can earn extra income and help kids and even adults succeed.
Another way you can create extra income is through an Etsy shop. So if you're crafty or really good with a cricket, you could consider opening an Etsy shop. You can create and sell products specifically for teachers like you could do theme t-shirts.
I know at my school, there are theme t-shirts for everything. Each team has a theme shirt. We have the hundredth day of school. There are so many days that you can have themed shirts for. I see a lot of t-shirts where there's cute teacher sayings on them, whatever it is, but you could make t-shirts and design them with a cricket.
You could make items like [00:07:00] mugs, notebooks, planners, and other accessories with cute sayings and designs for teachers, I've seen teachers who make really cute earrings that are like pencils and things related to teaching supplies. So. Whatever that is. Whatever you feel like you're good at in that area or crafty in that side hustle, it allows you to combine your creativity with your passion for teaching. And generate extra income. Another side hustle that I have personally done is I have been a group exercise instructor.
So a group exercise instructor is someone who's certified to teach group fitness classes. I did this for a few years during my first few years of teaching, and it's a great way to earn extra money. I got a free gym membership and it was way that I got myself to the gym and exercise. So many gyms offer flexible schedules that can fit around your teaching hours.
And you'll also have the chance to build that community of people who love fitness. And the nice thing about being a group X instructor was during the school year. I would [00:08:00] teach, generally one class a week. Sometimes two, if I was subbing. But then in the summer I could teach a lot of classes and make more extra money.
So that was a really nice, flexible way to make money. Another option for making money is creating courses. So developing and selling courses for other teachers. If there's an area in teaching that you are really good in and you're known for being, you know, excellent in that area, such as organizational systems, classroom management, or just. Any other specialty that you're the expert in, at your school, then you can create a course. That people could purchase where you talk about that and how they could become better in that area. And when you do this, the main expense is whatever platform you choose to use to sell the course.
I personally use the platform thrive cart. Because it was a one-time fee, but if you get Kajabi or, I've done think ethic, they are monthly. Charges. So they're cheaper than the one-time fee. I paid on [00:09:00] thrive card, but over time it is definitely cheaper to pay the one-time fee. So if that's something you're interested in doing, and then you can also market those courses through your social media and just other teacher forums to reach a wider audience and get more people engaged in those courses.
But this is great. Like I said, if you have a specialty area that you're really good at and you feel like you could share with other teachers. Another way people make money. I've never done this, but it's photography. If you have a passion for photography, I am terrible at taking pictures, but a good eye for. You know, the background and capturing different pictures in different areas and knowing the lighting. Consider starting a photography business, because it's a great way to make extra income on the side.
You can schedule things around your school schedule. You could do more in the summer and on the weekends. So it really could be flexible to what you need. So photography can be a great extra way to make money. And then my last way to make extra money that a lot of [00:10:00] people don't know about is being a virtual assistant for educators.
So find educators who have an online business, or it could be somebody who's a teachers pay teachers seller. It could be a coach. Finding those people who were in education and have a business related to education, they always need virtual assistants that help with social media, maybe helping update products on teachers, pay teachers and creative things that you might not even know about, that they can teach you how to do. And not only does it teach you, but it's a great way to gain business skills and knowledge of different educational tools and businesses out there.
And it's also a great way to use your education because I know personally Getting help, with my business, it's nice to have somebody in education who can edit and look at the things I'm doing and know what I'm talking about versus somebody who's not in education. So you're teaching. Expertise can really be invaluable in this area.
And there's a lot of educators on teachers pay teachers who use virtual assistance. [00:11:00] Like I said for scheduling for email management, social media. Even curriculum design, content creation, all kinds of different things. having a virtual assistant can be really helpful. So I also wanted to share, I have a link to the PDF of these side hustles as well.
And in that I share some links. And other information that is not included in the podcast. So if you want more. From those, with some links of places to go, you can click the link in my show notes to get that.
I just want to point out whatever side hustle you choose.
There are people that are going to go on social media or teachers pay teachers, and think I could never do that. And I just want to remind you that if other people can do it, so can you, it's a choice. It's a decision that they made to want to have that extra side hustle into work hard.
The top teachers pay teachers, sellers and the top. Coaches that I see in my industry. They didn't get there just by chance. It was by hard work and willing to take a risk and doing the [00:12:00] extra work to get there. I want you to always give yourself credit that you're able to do it too. And if other people can, so can you, I mean, that's what I teach in my coaching, is that we get to decide what our life looks like.
We get to decide what we want and go for it. So I just really encourage you that if you have any interest in any of those areas, I talked about today to just take the leap and go for it. And you can always email me at Barbara Barb flowers, I'm happy to talk more with you about any of these.
If you have. Questions or you're just curious, but. I just encourage you that if you do want an extra side hustle that you go for it and you find something that you're passionate about and can make some extra money. And if you are a teacher who wants to overcome stress, burnout, and overwhelm, join me in the resilient educator academy.
This is such a great place to get group coaching Monday, motivation access to all of my courses, which I add new courses throughout the year, and just a supportive community of like-minded educators. Thank you so much for joining us today for another [00:13:00] episode of the teacher burnout podcast, make sure to follow me on Instagram at Barb flowers, If you like the show, share this episode with a friend.
Keep in mind, you have the power to shape your life. According to the mindset you choose. I hope you have a great week and I'll see you back here next time.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.